On April 24th, 2021, we will start Saturday Round Robin at Las Vegas Table Tennis Club. Please check-in by 1:30 PM with a $5 entry fee, each group winner-take-all minus a $1 admin fee. Late entry won’t be accepted. Players need to bring a new Nittaku 3-Star Premium 40+ ball for their own matches. The organizer needs 10 minutes to group players together based on the individual’s rating. All USATT tournament rules will be enforced. Please go to the Round Robin page for details.
蓝天星期六循环赛 LanTian Saturday RR
- Click the above PDF file to see today’s Round Robin Draw and Results.
- Congratulations to HangY and MingQuan who won division 1 and 2 respectively.
- 点击上面的 PDF 档案查看比赛详细结果。
- 恭喜 杨行 和 明泉 分别赢得第一,二组的冠军。
- 所有参赛球员合买2月6日晚上开奖的3000万美元威力球。

LVTTF Singles Rating Update :
Rank | Name | Rating | +/- |
24 | HangY | 1774 | +20 |
28 | JayL | 1724 | -9 |
29 | Binayak | 1723 | +14 |
33 | SamL | 1669 | -13 |
39 | MingQuan | 1596 | +1 |
41 | Olivia | 1583 | -12 |
51 | AllanT | 1395 | -10 |
57 | SusanZ | 1348 | 0 |
59 | PaulZ | 1315 | +10 |
77 | LilyH | 1087 | -1 |
蓝天乒乓开放 LanTian TTC Open
蓝天将于 2020年10月24日 恢复会员乒乓活动。Starting October 24, 2020, LanTian members can come back and play table tennis.
据说明天就是美国微信末日,避免失联,请大家加 Line 维加斯乒联群。本网站上也有电邮地址 rr@lvttf.com 有问题方便联络。