LVTTF 维加斯乒乓联盟 Singles Round-Robin and Open Play

Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation
Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation presents a potluck table tennis party on February 1st, 2025 at Dula Community Center with around 100 players. Everyone brought his/her favorite dish from all over the world. Players are pleased with the variety of food. After the lunch potluck, we played social doubles matches on 14 tables for 2 hours. At 4 PM, we started the raffle ticket drawing with over $800 worth of cash prizes and gifts. Thank you all for your support.
Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation will host a table tennis party to celebrate the 2025 lunar new year at Dula Community Center. It’s not a tournament, and you just have to be lucky to win. Arrive before 2 PM and play for at least 2 hours to qualify for the red envelope drawing. The top prize is $100 cash in a red envelope. See details on the flyer.