On December 19th, 2018, we started our first official round robin at highland club. A total of 10 players are separated into two groups and played against each other in the same group. We hope to keep the Wednesday RR going every week so all highland club members can enjoy and have fun in such a friendly competition. The winner of a group will be guaranteed to play in a more challenging group next week.
Group 1
Jay won all 4 matches and won the first place. He will be guaranteed to play a more challenging group next week.
Let’s welcome Ling and GuoLun to our round robin system. Both of them are glad they finally had a chance to participate the Wednesday RR.
GuoLun played well and only lost to Jay. He won 2nd place.
Group 2
Let’s welcome LeChen to our round robin system.
This group is very competitive today. Half of the matches went to 5th game.
HenryU played very well on his home court and defeated every player in the group. He will be guaranteed to play a more challenging group next week.
Grace only lost to HenryU and won 2nd place.
2018 年12 月19 日星期三下午3 pm 到7 pm,拉斯维加斯乒乓俱乐部 ( 高地乒乓球馆 ) 进行了第一次的分组循环积分赛。我们的宗旨是希望所有拉斯维加斯的乒乓球友能够融入到打球的乐趣之中。10个球员按照等级分高低分成2 组进行比赛。球员逐一单挑小组中其它球员。比赛采用五局三胜制。小组第一名将获得资格挑战下一次高级别的小组赛。
欢迎Ling 和GuoLun 加入到我们的健身赛之中。只有星期三有空打球的球友们终于有机会玩比赛了。
Jay 四战全胜,获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
GuoLun 三胜一负拿下小组第二。
欢迎LeChen 加入到我们的健身赛之中。他是我们在高地俱乐部认识的新朋友。
HenryU 今天占着主场优势,异常神勇,四战全胜,获得小组第一。下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
Grace 三胜一负,拿下小组第二。