Round Robin Tournament on January 18th, 2025 at Dula Community Center

Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation
LVTTF hosted the 1st Round-Robin tournament in 2025 with 50 players in attendance. 12 butterfly centrefold 25 tables were set up to ensure everyone had a table to practice. Congratulations to Omid ( 2451 ), who won 1st place with $50 prize money, and Jozon ( 2191 ) won 2nd place with $25. GlenGao, Olivia, Ankur, SanjayV, and Goly won groups 2,3,4,5, and 6 respectively. Group 2 to 6 winners then enter into a drawing for $50 prize money. Lucky Olivia won $50. The PDF round-robin results are attached with a summary of the rating change. For the entire LVTTF rating list, please visit the Rating page in the Menu.
Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation made around $10,000 donation to the City of Las Vegas at Dula before Christmas to promote local table tennis activities and purchased six Butterfly Centrefold 25 tables, 12 nets, etc… Everyone is welcome to play on these new tables at Dula Community Center. These new tables will also be used for the upcoming round-robin tournament on Jan 4th, 2025. We are also looking for 10 more donors with $1,000 each to replace the rest of the tables. Please contact Jay in the next few months if you are interested in making a $1,000 donation. We wish everyone a great holiday and Happy New Year!
维加斯乒乓联盟(维加斯乒联)在聖誕節前向拉斯維加斯市府捐贈了大概 $10,000 美元用以促進本地的乒乓球活動,併購買了六張 Butterfly Centrefold 25 球桌、12 個球網等等…… 歡迎大家到 Dula 社區中心使用新球桌。 這些新球桌也將用於 2025 年 1 月 4 日舉行的单打小组循環賽。 我們還在尋找另外 10 名捐贈者,每人 1,000 美元用以替換其餘的桌子。 如果您有興趣捐贈 1,000 美元,請在接下來的幾個月內與我们聯繫。 祝大家新年快樂!
Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation hosted the 2nd Singles Round-Robin tournament at Dula Community Center on Saturday, Dec 14th, 2024. Around 45 players attended, and 24 players participated in the round-robin tournament. We took a moment of silence to honor Coach Robert for his great contribution to the local table tennis community. The following is the RR results for all 6 groups. Congratulations to Omid ( 2451 ), who won 1st place with $50 prize money. GlenGao, Abdul, Apple, Ankur, and XiaoWei won groups 2,3,4,5, and 6 with a new tournament ball. After the round-robin, $150 Happy Lamb Hot Pot restaurant voucher drawing with 6 lucky winners, every round-robin player and open-play player had a great afternoon. For the entire updated LVTTF rating list, please visit the Rating page in the Menu.