Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation ( LVTTF ) 2018 Grand Finals 拉斯维加斯乒乓联盟 ( 维加斯乒联 ) 2018 巡回总决赛

On Saturday 1 PM to 5 PM, December 22nd, 2018, Lan Tian Table Tennis club invited 2 of the best players, LiuGang and Sunny, in Las Vegas Valley to play LVTTF 2018 Grand Finals. Both of them are 2200 level player and this will be the highest level competition in the entire year of 2018.

A total of 15 players are separated into three groups and play against everyone in the same group.  The winner of a group will be guaranteed to play in a more challenging group next week.

Group 1

  • Both Sunny and LiuGang defeated other 3 players easily before the final match. LiuGang made to the final table and did not even lose a single game.
  • For the final match, a referee and an umpire were present with a large scoreboard. LiuGang won the coin toss and decided to serve first, then Sunny chose the side and the final match began.
  • First game, LiuGang played well and won the game 11:6. Sunny was still trying to adjust to LiuGang’s spin and speed.
  • Second game, LiuGang continue with the lead and quickly won the game 11:3. Seems like Sunny was no match with LiuGang and everyone thought the match would soon be over with LiuGang’s victory 3:0.
  • Third game, Sunny realized that he had to adjust his strategy and minimize his unforced error. The new strategy seemed working. His long pips backhand side got used to LiuGang’s spin and speed. Sunny won the game 11:7.
  • Fourth game was a close game between these 2 players and no one was able to get ahead with more than 2 points. Finally, LiuGang had 2 match points 10:8, unfortunately, lost 4 points in a roll afterward and lost the game.
  • The final game, Sunny was a lot more confident after pull off a tough win in game 4. He quickly won the game 11:4.
  • Sunny won the championship of LVTTF 2018 Grand Finals. LiuGang won the 2nd place.

Group 2

  • Group 2 is a tough group today. No one was undefeated.
  • Both Carlton and Allan had 3 wins and 1 loss. Allan defeated Carlton 3:1 in the heads-up match, therefore Allan won the first place and Carlton ended up 2nd. Allan will be guaranteed to play a more challenging group next week.

Group 3

  • Lyndon won all 4 matches and will be guaranteed to play a more challenging group next week.
  • HenryU played well and only lost to Lyndon. HenryU won the 2nd place.

拉斯维加斯乒乓联盟 ( 维加斯乒联 ) 2018 巡回总决赛

2018年12月22日星期六下午1 PM 到5 PM,蓝天乒乓俱乐部有幸邀请到拉斯维加斯最顶尖的两位2200分选手,刘钢和张亮,来为大家做表演赛。这是蓝天乒乓俱乐部开赛半年以来最高级别的一次对决。今天一共15个球员按照美国乒协俱乐部积分分成3组进行循环赛。球员逐一挑战小组中其它球员。比赛采用五局三胜制。小组第一名将获得资格挑战下一次高级别的小组赛。


  • 决赛开始前,张亮和刘钢都分别轻松战胜其他三位选手。刘钢更是一局未失和张亮会师总决赛。
  • 总决赛就要开始了,主裁判和副裁判依次入坐。计分牌准备就绪。猜先,刘钢猜中,选择先发球,张亮选场地,比赛开始。
  • 第一局:刘钢一上来就打的积极主动。接发球和防守做的滴水不漏。张亮则有点慢热,迟迟未能打开局面。刘钢一路领先,11:6 先下一城。
  • 第二局: 刘钢依旧遥遥领先,反手弹击,正手小弧圈,快带,发挥得淋漓尽致。张亮还是没能找到手感,失误频频,很快以3:11,再失一局。
  • 大家感觉到张亮已经快不行了。刘钢很有可能以压倒性的优势 3:0 胜出。
  • 第三局开始了 ,张亮已经被逼到悬崖边上,必须在打法上作出调整和改变。高手毕竟是高手,在被动的情况下,能够迅速臨场做出改变。张亮开始减少无谓失误,制定了他最拿手的防守反击的战术策略。反手长胶的挡,拱,磕 越来越得心应手。以11:7扳回一局。大比分1:2仍然落后。
  • 第四局双方的比赛进入到白热化的状态,你来我往,比分交替上升。没有任何一方能够有超过两分的优势。 刘钢打得异常的顽强和稳健,率先拿到两个赛点,10:8。接下来是张亮发球, 刘钢丝毫不敢大意,必须再赢一分。张亮发了一个勾手逆旋转短球到刘钢的正手位。刘钢一个箭步,向前迎球摆短。可惜回球略微高了一点,被张亮抓住机会,正手爆冲得分,9:10。张亮发第二球,斜线长球到刘钢的反手位。刘钢反手快推到张亮的中路。没想到,张亮一个小侧身,正手快打得分,10:10。张亮不但挽救了两个赛点,而且还破了刘钢接下来的两个发球。硬是将比赛,拖入决胜局。
  • 决胜局: 张亮开始越打越顺,很快以5:2领先,交换场地。由于第四局的失利,刘钢开始有点不在状态,比分一直落后。张亮最后11:4有惊无险的赢下了整场比赛。刘钢虽败犹荣。全场观众起立,为两位选手的精彩表演鼓掌。
  • 张亮(SunnyZ) 四战全胜,获得2018维加斯巡回总决赛冠军。刘钢获得亚军。


  • 今天第二组的争夺也是异常激烈。没有球员能够全胜。
  • Carlton 和 Allan 都是3胜1负。Allan 3:1 战胜 Carlton,获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。Carlton获得小组第二,无缘晋级。


  • Lyndon 四战全胜,获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
  • HenryU 也打的不错,只输了一场,获得小组第二。

20181219 First Official Round Robin at Las Vegas Table Tennis Club

On December 19th, 2018, we started our first official round robin at highland club. A total of 10 players are separated into two groups and played against each other in the same group. We hope to keep the Wednesday RR going every week so all highland club members can enjoy and have fun in such a friendly competition. The winner of a group will be guaranteed to play in a more challenging group next week.
Group 1
 Jay won all 4 matches and won the first place. He will be guaranteed to play a more challenging group next week.
 Let’s welcome Ling and GuoLun to our round robin system. Both of them are glad they finally had a chance to participate the Wednesday RR.
 GuoLun played well and only lost to Jay. He won 2nd place.
Group 2
 Let’s welcome LeChen to our round robin system.
 This group is very competitive today. Half of the matches went to 5th game.
HenryU played very well on his home court and defeated every player in the group. He will be guaranteed to play a more challenging group next week.
 Grace only lost to HenryU and won 2nd place.

2018 年12 月19 日星期三下午3 pm 到7 pm,拉斯维加斯乒乓俱乐部 ( 高地乒乓球馆 ) 进行了第一次的分组循环积分赛。我们的宗旨是希望所有拉斯维加斯的乒乓球友能够融入到打球的乐趣之中。10个球员按照等级分高低分成2 组进行比赛。球员逐一单挑小组中其它球员。比赛采用五局三胜制。小组第一名将获得资格挑战下一次高级别的小组赛。
 欢迎Ling 和GuoLun 加入到我们的健身赛之中。只有星期三有空打球的球友们终于有机会玩比赛了。
 Jay 四战全胜,获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 GuoLun 三胜一负拿下小组第二。
 欢迎LeChen 加入到我们的健身赛之中。他是我们在高地俱乐部认识的新朋友。
 HenryU 今天占着主场优势,异常神勇,四战全胜,获得小组第一。下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 Grace 三胜一负,拿下小组第二。