LVTTF Singles Round-Robin on 2/22/2025

Las Vegas Table Tennis Federation hosted the 4th Round-Robin tournament in 2025. About 50 players showed up for RR and open play. 13 butterfly centrefold 25 tables were set up to ensure everyone had a table to practice. Congratulations to Omid ( 2451 ), who won 1st place with $50 prize money, and Dayo won 2nd place in group 1. Group 2 winner, MattRn, won a box of Nittaku premium 3-star balls. IvanSonido, AbdulQ, MJSison, RickSkipton, and Dragan won groups 3,4,5,6, and 7 respectively, and took the tournament Nittaku premium ball home as the prize. Groups 3 to 6 winners were then entered into a drawing for $25 prize money. Lucky Ivan won $25 with a dice roll of 12. The PDF round-robin results are attached below with a summary of the rating change. For the entire LVTTF rating list, please visit the Rating page in the Menu.

Singles rating update:

Doubles rating update: