20181208 LanTian 精彩的高分 第五局 22:20

On December 8th, 2018, total 11 players are separated into two groups and played
against each other in the same group. The winner of a group will be guaranteed
to play in a more challenging group next week.
Group 1
 Richard played very well today and defeated the top seed Sam.
 SamL had 3 wins and 1 loss, he won the first place. He will be guaranteed to
play a more challenging group next week.
 Richard had 2 wins and 1 loss, he won the 2nd place.
Group 2
 Grace defeated everyone and won the first place. She will be guaranteed to play
a more challenging group next week.
 LyndonDavis only lost to Grace and won the 2nd place.

 今天一开场老洪 Richard就上演了一出不畏强手的好戏。面对高他400分的一号种子选手Sam没有丝毫的畏惧。尽管大局 0:2 落后,依旧兢兢业业,争取打好每一球。第三局的转机终于出现了,老洪13:11胜出,将大局比分改写为1:2。第四局,老洪越打越顺手,很快以11:6再胜一局,硬是把 Sam 拖入决胜局。决胜局的争夺尤为激烈,比分交替上升,一直打到十平,十一平,十二平… 二十平。对,你没有看错,这应该是蓝天乒乓有记录以来的最高分。关键时刻,老洪连胜两分,将比分锁定在22:20,惊险胜出。
 老洪的好戏还刚开始,接下来又以3:0干脆利落的打败了高他100多分的 Carlton。如果不是因为临时有事要早走,无法打最后一场比赛的话,老洪就是今天第一组的第一名。
 Sam 三胜一负,获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 Richard 洪 二胜一负拿下小组第二。
 Grace五战全胜获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 Lyndon 四胜一负,拿下小组第二。