20181117 第一位2200多分的选手荣登琅琊榜第一名

On November 17th, 2018, total 15 players are separated into three groups and
played against each other in the same group. The winner of a group will be
guaranteed to play in a more challenging group next week.
Group 1
 LiuGang easily defeated everyone. He became the No. 1 player on the list with a
solid 2200 initial rating.
 DavidR played well and won the 2nd place.
Group 2
 Carlton defeated everyone and won the first place. He will be guaranteed to play
a more challenging group next week.
 AllanTang, HenryC and RickZhangS tied up for the 2nd place. AllanTang
defeated HenryC 3:0, HenryC defeated RickZhangS 3:2, RickZhangS defeated
AllanTang 3:1. AllanTang’s win/loss ratio is 4/3, HenryC’s win/loss ratio is 3/5,
RickZhangS’s win/loss ratio is 5/4. AllanTang has the highest win/loss ratio and
won the 2nd place. RickZhangS won the 3rd place and HenryC ended up to be
the 4th.
Group 3
 Apple defeated everyone and won the first place. She will be guaranteed to play
a more challenging group next week.
 Bob won the 2nd place and only lost to Apple.

2018 年11 月17 日星期六下午在拉斯维加斯蓝天乒乓俱乐部, 15 个球员按照等级分高低分成3 组进行比赛。球员逐一单
 刘钢第一次参赛,兵不血刃,技压群雄,轻松获得小组第一,并且荣登琅琊高手榜
 DavidR 三胜一负拿下小组第二。
 一位球员因故离开,多亏明泉老师马上来救场。谢谢。
 Carlton 四战全胜获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 AllanTang, HenryC 和张宏横都是三胜一负。AllanTang 3:0 战胜HenryC, HenryC
3:2 战胜张宏横, 张宏横 3:1 战胜AllanTang。AllanTang 局数胜负率为 4/3,
HenryC 局数胜负率为 3/5,张宏横局数胜负率为 5/4。(如果局数胜负率一样,就
需要计算得分胜负率。所以有时候比赛中每一分都很重要。)AllanTang 局数胜负
率最高获得小组第二, 张宏横第三,HenryC 第四。
 苹果四战全胜获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 Bob 三胜一负拿下小组第二。