20181103 蓝天乒乓 Bob 赢得小组第一

On November 3rd, 2018, total 14 players are separated into three groups and
played against each other in the same group. The winner of a group will be
guaranteed to play in a more challenging group next week.
Group 1
 SamL won all matches today. He will be guaranteed to play a more challenging
group next week.
 AllanTang played well and won the 2nd place.
Group 2
 Grace won the group without losing a match. She will be guaranteed to play a
more challenging group next week.
 LyndonDavis play the Saturday’s RR for the first time and won the 2nd place.
Group 3
 Bob played well and won the group. He will be guaranteed in a more challenging
group next week.
 Lily played very well and won the second place.

2018 年11 月3 日星期六下午14 个球员按照等级分高低分成3 组进行比赛。球员逐一单
 SamL 四战全胜获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 AllanTang 三胜一负拿下小组第二。
 Grace 四战全胜获得小组第一,下次晋级打高级别的比赛。
 LyndonDavid 第一次参赛表现不俗,三胜一负拿下小组第二。
 Bob 延续了上个星期六的良好手感,三战全胜,第一次获得小组第一,下次晋级打
 Lily 也越打越好,二胜一负拿下小组第二。